Hello and welcome to The Creativity Tree!
Sorry I haven't done a post in a while. But now, with Spring and Easter right around the corner, I decided, why not create some colorful crayon art for Spring. So, enjoy!
What you need:
Crayons, new or old
A canvas
A blow-dryer
Hot glue gun
Newspaper and cardboard
(to protect your workspace)
Start with your crayons and your canvas. You can decide to place your crayons however you want. The rainbow pattern, ROY G BIV, is very popular for crayon art, and that is what I used, but you can do any colors and patterns you want. Be creative with the shades of colors you use. Arrange the crayons on the canvas the way you would like. Remember, they don't have to go across the top. You could glue them in the middle for example. (Also, don't worry about the brand of crayons you use. I used a large variety and it worked totally fine; it's just that some crayons melt faster than others.)
Once you are happy with the arrangement of your crayons, it's time to glue them.
I glued a strip of glue onto the back of each crayon and then stuck them into place. Don't be shy with the glue, because you don't want the crayons to fall off the canvas when you are blow-drying it. But be careful with the hot glue, it can get really hot. I even burned myself. :(
Now, let the glue dry and cool. (Hot glue dries very quickly, but just make sure it is fully dry before you blow-dry.) To test if your crayons are dry and set, shake your canvas around a bit or knock the bottom of it on a hard surface. If there are loose crayons, they'll probably fall off.
Now, it's time to blow-dry! You will want to prop the canvas up when blow-drying.
We set up lots of newspaper on the floor and wall, and set a piece of cardboard on the wall, then set the canvas on top of that. (Beware, this is very messy and the melted crayon can splash everywhere, so set up lots of newspaper. When I did it, some splashed on the wall and floor, but it came off.)
Blow dry on high, heating all the crayons evenly. Start towards the middle of the crayons, like where the logos are. They will first start getting wet/shiny, then start splashing onto the canvas. To prevent lots of wax from splashing off the canvas, start blow-drying from the top, pointing downwards. This will cause the wax to run down and onto the canvas instead of splashing everywhere.
Keep heating until you get your desired look. The longer you heat it, the more it is going to mix together and blend, so beware of that.
And you're done! Let it dry/cool/harden in an upright position. Then you can set it on a shelf, hang it on a wall, etc.
This project is perfect for Spring because it has bold, bright, happy colors!
It's super simple and fun! You can also make them any size you want! It is great Spring/Summer décor and could also be an awesome gift!
Well, I hope you enjoyed this post! Please share it! You can Pin It on Pinterest, email it to friends, share it on Facebook, and more! Also please leave comments and subscribe to my blog so you can get notifications when I have a new post! :)
I hope to post more DIY's soon, so stay tuned!
Here is a cool time-lapse video that I took of the crayons melting.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this post! Please share it! You can Pin It on Pinterest, email it to friends, share it on Facebook, and more! Also please leave comments and subscribe to my blog so you can get notifications when I have a new post! :)
I hope to post more DIY's soon, so stay tuned!
Here is a cool time-lapse video that I took of the crayons melting.